“F.T.I. – Ferrovie Turistiche Italiane” is volunteer association. Its target is to preserve the railway heritage from the tracks to the stations and the lines themselves.

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TrenoBLU is the initiative of "FBS - Ferrovia del Basso Sebino" along the railway line Palazzolo - Paratico Sarnico (at the border between the Provinces of Bergamo and Brescia), remaind closed almost thirty years and reopened for passenger services in the 1994.

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"Ferrovie Turistiche Italiane" declines all responsability for unobserved connections, hitches and damages of every kind to persons or objects. The indicated times correspond to the information we had when this text was drew up (February 2016). We also decline all responsibility for mistakes, for changes applied after the edition of this text and for the consequences due to those changes.