“F.T.I. – Ferrovie Turistiche Italiane” is volunteer association. Its target is to preserve the railway heritage from the tracks to the stations and the lines themselves.

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Join us

You can join the non-profit association "F.T.I. - Ferrovie Turistiche Italiane" (you can read the italian version of the charter) simply by paying € 25,00; with a contribution of € 50,00 you become a SUPPORTING MEMBER.

Registration allows participation in associative life and does not automatically imply participation in services on board the train.
Therefore, the member can serve as a volunteer on board only having successfully followed the course that is carried out at the beginning of the year, and it is necessary to be accepted by the board of directors
Pay your membership fee:
to the FBS staff working in the trains or in the stations;
on the following bank account:

BPER Banca
Filiale di Chiuduno (BG)
IBAN IT16 F 05387 52870 0000 4231 6657

You can join the organisation by filling up the membership form and sending it to the following address: [email protected]

Become a friend of TrenoBLU

With a contribution of € 50,00 you can become FRIEND of the "TrenoBLU".

Together with your membership card “Amico del TrenoBlu” beyond to automatically being enrolled the association FTI you will receive for free the keychain, two pins and two stickers with the "TrenoBlu" logo.

Furthermore members enjoy special prices for all gadgets and articles FBS realised for the "TrenoBlu" association: the new book, the dvd and many gadgets (T-shirts, caps, cards, etc.)

Ask the FBS staff working in the trains or in the stations for more information or just call this number: +39 338 8577210 (don't forget to dial the international prefix for Italy 0039 if you call from another country).